Stream: helpdesk (published)

Topic: Julia spending lots of time in `string_n`

view this post on Zulip Laura Demkowicz-Duffy (Jun 10 2023 at 23:24):

I have some code which tends to hand without exiting or responding a lot of the time it's run (the code path it takes is random), and upon Ctrl-C'ing it or similar, I tend to find the top of the stacktrace looks like this:


The code in question here is:

    cityindexunchecked(world, id)

Get the index of a [`City`](@ref) into `world.cities` and `world.graph` from it's `id`.

Returns `nothing` if the city isn't found.
function cityindexunchecked(world, id)
    findfirst(c -> == id, world.cities)
# Convenience method:"Los Angeles", ["San Francisco", "Chicago", "Mexico City", "Sydney"]),
# integers are not valid ids so we assume c is the index and return it
cityindexunchecked(world, id::Int) = id
cityindexunchecked(world, c::City) = cityindexunchecked(world,

    cityindex(world, city[, error])

Get the index of a [`City`](@ref) into `world.cities` and `world.graph` from it's `id`.

Throws an error if the city isn't found.
Pass the parameter `error` to override the error text.
`id` may either be a [`City`](@ref) object or just some identifying object.
function cityindex(world, c, e = "City $c not found")
    i = cityindexunchecked(world, c)
    @assert i != nothing e
    return i
export cityindex

Can this be the result of the potential string comparison in cityindexunchecked? The type of id is typically a string.

view this post on Zulip mbaz (Jun 11 2023 at 00:37):

My first guess would be that the culprit is the$c in cityindex

Last updated: Oct 02 2023 at 04:34 UTC