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Topic: PythonCall: Importing module with submodule

view this post on Zulip Jesper Stemann Andersen (Apr 30 2023 at 08:38):

Using PythonCall, suppose I would like to import a Python module foo and its sub-module bar, where bar defines baz, I would expect the following to work but it does not:

using PythonCall

foo = pyimport("foo") is a Python module (a Py object), but it does not have baz defined - it doesn't seem to have any names defined.

Current workaround seems to be something like:

using PythonCall

foo = pyimport("foo")
foo_bar = pyimport("")

view this post on Zulip Jesper Stemann Andersen (Apr 30 2023 at 08:54):

julia> using PythonCall

julia> fo = pyimport("fiftyone")
Python module: <module 'fiftyone' from '/Users/jsa/work/julia/FiftyOne.jl/.CondaPkg/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fiftyone/'>

julia> fo.core
Python module: <module 'fiftyone.core' from '/Users/jsa/work/julia/FiftyOne.jl/.CondaPkg/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fiftyone/core/'>

julia> fo.core.

No names defined in fo.core, i.e. no completions available in the REPL.

Whereas all the names are defined if importing fiftyone.core separately:

julia> fo_core = pyimport("fiftyone.core")
Python module: <module 'fiftyone.core' from '/Users/jsa/work/julia/FiftyOne.jl/.CondaPkg/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fiftyone/core/'>

julia> fo_core
Python module: <module 'fiftyone.core' from '/Users/jsa/work/julia/FiftyOne.jl/.CondaPkg/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fiftyone/core/'>

julia> fo_core.
__annotations__    __cached__         __class__          __delattr__        __dict__           __dir__            __doc__            __eq__             __file__           __format__
__ge__             __getattribute__   __getstate__       __gt__             __hash__           __init__           __init_subclass__  __le__             __loader__         __lt__
__name__           __ne__             __new__            __package__        __path__           __reduce__         __reduce_ex__      __repr__           __setattr__        __sizeof__
__spec__           __str__            __subclasshook__   aggregations       annotation         brain              clips              collections        config             context
dataset            document           evaluation         expressions        fields             frame              frame_utils        groups             json               labels
logging            media              metadata           models             odm                patches            plots              runs               sample             service
session            singletons         spaces             stages             state              uid                utils              validation         video              view

Last updated: Oct 02 2023 at 04:34 UTC