Was the configuration keyword argument analyzer
removed from JET.jl at some point? I last saw it (functional) in v0.6.9 - on Julia v1.8.2.
This used to work:
using JET
using Pkg
analysis_target = Pkg.project().name
JET.report_package(analysis_target; analyzer = JET.JETAnalyzer, mode = :basic, target_defined_modules = false)
It's still mentioned in the docs.: https://aviatesk.github.io/JET.jl/dev/optanalysis/#optanalysis-toplevel-entry
This was removed with v0.7.0:
julia --project=`mktemp -d` --eval 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(name = "JET", version = "0.7.0"); Pkg.add("Example"); using JET; JET.report_package("Example"; analyzer = JET.JETAnalyzer)'
Solution: https://github.com/aviatesk/JET.jl/issues/494#issuecomment-1515858865
Jesper Stemann Andersen has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC