How do I adjust a plot so that axis tick labels are e.g. 10,000 instead of 1.0x10^4? My best guess is the ytickformat
property of Axis
, but the values you can set that paremeter to aren't documented afaict.
Of course, I can't actually tell for sure that there's not an example using it since the Franklin.jl search function is awful and turns up 0 results in a search for "tickformat" despite it clearly being listed as an attribute of Axis...
can be a function, which takes a single argument containing a vector of unformatted ticks, something like ytickformat = xs -> string.(xs)
might enough for what you want
This is documented here:
Thanks! Actually had just figured this out by reading the source code in lineaxis.jl.
The lack of usable search in the Makie.jl docs is super aggravating.
yeah, you'd think ytickformat
as a search term would return some, doesn't seem to return anything
Michael Hatherly said:
can be a function, which takes a single argument containing a vector of unformatted ticks, something likeytickformat = xs -> string.(xs)
might enough for what you want
In my case, ytickformat = xs -> string.(round.(Int, xs))
was what I wanted.
I feel like there should be a single-argument currying form of map or broadcast to make this kind of thing neater...
Adam non-jedi Beckmeyer has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC