Hi, I'm trying to use Julia on a supercomputer that makes Julia available via the module
system, and I think I've set JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
appropriately (/data/agpdev/timothy/.julia:/data/agpdev/sw/julia/1.7.3/usr/local/share/julia:/data/agpdev/sw/julia/1.7.3/usr/share/julia
) however I don't seem to be able to Pkg.add
anything, consistently seeing a UUID key error.
(@v1.7) pkg> add ClusterManagers
Updating registry at `/data/agpdev/timothy/.julia/registries/General.toml`
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: KeyError: key UUID("44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f") not found
[1] getindex
@ ./dict.jl:481 [inlined]
[2] deps_graph(env::Pkg.Types.EnvCache, registries::Vector{Pkg.Registry.RegistryInstance}, uuid_to_name::Dict{Base.UUID, String}, reqs::Dict{Base.UUID, Pkg.Versions.VersionSpec}, fixed::Dict{Base.UUID, Pkg.Resolve.Fixed}, julia_version::VersionNumber)
@ Pkg.Operations /data/tki_agpdev/sw/julia/1.7.3/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Pkg/src/Operations.jl:408
[3] resolve_versions!
Might anyone have ideas/suggestions?
can you try ]registry rm General
followed by ]registry add General
what have you set JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
Removing/re-adding General
didn't help, and I have JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
set to /data/agpdev/timothy/.julia:/data/agpdev/sw/julia/1.7.3/usr/local/share/julia:/data/agpdev/sw/julia/1.7.3/usr/share/julia
(as per my original post).
the error is definitely odd, since that's the UUID of Pkg
to me that suggests your module
provided julia install is broken
Hmm, this is also interesting:
julia> using Pkg
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package Pkg not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Pkg")` to install the Pkg package.
For reference, using LinearAlgebra
is fine.
yeah that definitely sounds like a broken install
I've just had a look at the stdlib folder, and I'm seeing a few broken symlinks...
might want to talk to the admins of that supercomputer about it, if that's intended or just broken
Yea, I'm now sending them a message. I'm guessing this could explain the error(s) I'm seeing.
They've just rebuild it, and it works now :)
Timothy has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC