Let's start with something simple.
julia> using Rocket
julia> ints = iterable(1:10)
IterableObservable(Int64, UnitRange{Int64}, AsapScheduler)
julia> subscribe!(ints, logger("n"))
[n] Data: 1
[n] Data: 2
[n] Data: 3
[n] Data: 4
[n] Data: 5
[n] Data: 6
[n] Data: 7
[n] Data: 8
[n] Data: 9
[n] Data: 10
[n] Completed
How could I hook the animated progress bar from ProgressLogging.jl into this iteration? (The logger(n)
is just there for demo purposes. Feel free to get rid of it if you want.)
PS: I think you have to setup TerminalLoggers.jl to get nice animations in the REPL. Do something like this first.
using TerminalLoggers
using ProgressLogging
was the key.ProgressLogging.progress()
and not leave until Rocket.jl was done iterating.Channel
and I did a take!(ch)
on it which blocks the main thread until it can take something.on_complete
puts something in the channel.function start_iteration(observable)
# Let a LambdaActor subscribe to candle_subject for progress logging.
i = 1
len = length(observable.iterator)
ch = Channel(1)
ProgressLogging.progress() do id
# setup progress
on_next = function(n::Int)
println("i:$(i) len:$(len) ratio=$(i/len)")
@info "running" _id=id progress=(i/len)
i += 1
on_complete() = put!(ch, 1)
subscribe!(observable, lambda(;on_next, on_complete))
# block until our on_complete fires
It's used like this:
julia> start_iteration(ints)
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Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC