I've created an anonymous module (mod
) and I'm trying to run a Julia REPL in it over a socket (conn
), however it doesn't seem to be working :frowning:.
Core.eval(mod, quote
term = REPL.Terminals.TTYTerminal(
get(ENV, "TERM", Sys.iswindows() ? "" : "dumb"),
$conn, $conn, $conn)
repl = REPL.LineEditREPL(term, true)
REPL.run_repl(repl) end)
When I replace Core.eval(mod, ....)
with eval(...)
, it works fairly well, but I'm hoping I can do this within the anonymous module.
Gah, I missed the obvious! I forgot to require REPL
in mod
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Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC