Good Day Coders:
My dataframe:
Instrument = "Piano","Guitar","Harmonica", "Violin"
TIME = Time(00,01,00):Dates.Minute(5):Time(02,00,00)
Wall_E = DataFrame(ID = 1:10, Temp = rand(15:0.01:40,10),
Instrument = rand(Instrument, 10),
SessionTimes = rand(TIME,10))
Is there a way I could group SessionTimes into predefined
buckets/intervals (I.E. '0 to 30 minutes', '31 to 60 minutes',
'1 hour or more' (OR 61 minutes or more))?
I am experimenting with Case/When logic for Julia using:
Z = Wall_E[!, 4]
(Z -> Z = Time(00,00,00):Dates.Minute(5):Time(00,30,00) ? "0 to 30 mins" :
Z = Time(00,31,00):Dates.Minute(5):Time(01,00,00) ? "31 to 60 minutes" :
Z > Time(01,00,00) ? "More than 1 hour" :
But keep returning the following:
TypeError: non-boolean (StepRange{Dates.Time,Dates.Minute}) used in boolean context
I am currently testing binning options using
@Bogumił Kamiński
@Alex Arslan
@Max Köhler
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC