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Topic: Denser storage in StructArrays

view this post on Zulip Kyle Daruwalla (Mar 14 2021 at 15:18):

Let's say I have the following:

struct Foo{T<:AbstractVector}
Foo(n::Integer) = Foo(zeros(n))

struct Bar{T<:Foo}
Bar(foo, m, n) = Bar(StructArray(foo() for _ in 1:m, _ in 1:n; unwrap = t -> t <: Foo))

Currently this will make it so that I get bar.foos.x[i, j][t]. I am wondering how I can get it to be bar.foos.x[i, j, t] (i.e. a dense array with three dimensions instead of a matrix of vectors).

Last updated: Feb 18 2025 at 04:39 UTC