When bumping the compat to the latest version of a dependency, the documentation build fails due to pkg not finding said latest version of the dependency in the registry.
Both the CI build and local doc builds work just fine. Could the documentation build be using a different package server which hasn't synced yet? Its been four hours since the latest version of the dependency was registered.
Your CI build makes sure to get the registry from github directly to circumvent the sporadically happening latencies in the pkg servers. I just learned, that there is also a julia-docdeploy action, maybe you could use that : https://github.com/julia-actions/julia-docdeploy
Thanks. I guess I'll sit tight a little bit more then and see if it works later.
It isn't fully clear to me what the docdeploy action does. I already have a yml-file like the one and it makes docs build automatically for me. Does it also get the registry from github directly?
Probably the standard workaround is to use julia-buildpkg (before installing deps for docs) which has this hack: https://github.com/julia-actions/julia-buildpkg/blob/f995fa4149fed4a8e9b95ba82f54cc107c1d832a/action.yml#L17-L25
For example, you can see that the example in julia-docdeploy README uses julia-buildpkg.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC