On Julia 1.9-beta4, I'm getting sistematically this message when adding Plots
to an environment:
Precompiling environment...
14 dependencies successfully precompiled in 85 seconds. 138 already precompiled.
1 dependency had warnings during precompilation:
┌ Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]
│ [ Info: GR
Then, the first time using Plots
, it seems that Plots and GR get precompiled again. That, in 1.9, it taking quite a long time, since each Plots precompilation takes a few minutes.
Any idea why GR is systematically failing to precompile the first time (it seems so, at least)?
https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/pull/4672 the message is fixed on master
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC