I'm working on MLX.jl to provide access to the MLX array framework (in particular for machine learning on Apple platforms).
In MLX almost all (array) operations are lazy (to make it possible to optimize a computational graph), i.e. operations are not executed until eval
is called, e.g.:
>> import mlx.core as mx
>> a = mx.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>> b = mx.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
>> c = a + b # c not yet evaluated
>> mx.eval(c) # evaluates c
>> c = a + b
>> print(c) # Also evaluates c
(sorry for the "P-language" example :smile:)
How to best represent lazy arrays and operations on lazy arrays in Julia?
I have so far found Lazy.jl, LazyArrays.jl, and Thunks.jl (:top_hat: tip to Dagger.jl) - and there is also Thunks in ChainRulesCore, but not sure which approach would be best... suggestions?
Do you want/need to expose the lazyness?
I guess you could define your own lazy type that wraps the mlx lazy array and which can be materialized. This is how LazyArrays does it. I don‘t see why you‘d need to integrate with those Julia libraries at all.
The input I got from Slack was to look into broadcasting, LazyArrays or how Reactant does tracing: https://julialang.slack.com/archives/C6A044SQH/p1734260542606079
Right now an AbstractArray/StridedArray interface is implemented for MLXArray. But it seems somewhat misleading if the array is not materialized.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC