I have some files that I want to read in. Most of the files are well-formatted and have either no header/comments or have header/comments all marked with leading '#' symbol. But few of the files have comments with the '#' symbol and header with '|' symbols. I don't need any of the headers, only data. Example file:
# comment line 1
# comment line 2
# comment line 3
|first column| second column| third column|
0.12415 125125.222 123132512
1.8950 555124.1 910520
Is there a nice way to be able to handle all those files? Usually, I use readdlm
, but it only allows one character for comments. I am not familiar with CSV and was not able to find a way to handle these files well. There is, of course, skipstart
and similar options, but I would prefer not to set them manually for each file.
Not sure about those headers (I guess if you just need the data they don't matter either way), on the comments CSV.jl allows you to pass the kwarg comment = "#"
so they should get skipped automatically.
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC