I've definitely asked variants of all of these questions before, but every time it comes up, I get confused again. Is there anywhere I can read a comprehensive guide to dealing with the way my custom type is displayed? I've read around the manual (eg here and here), and at one point I tried to read through the issue a couple of versions ago where the representation of vectors was changed, but I remain confused about:
? Eg. I think I'll want do deal with :compact
and :limit
, in particular, but how would I know?print(thing)
, when I call show(thing)
, when I call @show thing
, or when I write thing
to a file? Egjulia> a = rand(3)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> print(a)
[0.20666407638083917, 0.0861516328854468, 0.5337028655172353]
julia> show(a)
[0.20666407638083917, 0.0861516328854468, 0.5337028655172353]
julia> @show a
a = [0.20666407638083917, 0.0861516328854468, 0.5337028655172353]
3-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> path, io = mktemp()
("/tmp/jl_Fxk9CS", IOStream(<fd 24>))
julia> write(io, a)
julia> close(io)
shell> cat $path
�(���s�? p�^N�?F�^X^T�?
julia> path, io = mktemp()
("/tmp/jl_Onx4qM", IOStream(<fd 22>))
julia> print(io, a)
julia> close(io)
shell> cat $path
[0.20666407638083917, 0.0861516328854468, 0.5337028655172353]
There are lots, see for example https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types). Which ones you want to support, well, I guess it is up to you. A text/plain
is essentially required though. And if your object can display pretty in HTML for example, then why not support that too.
I believe IOContext
is only used for text/plain
, and then I am only aware of :compact
, :limit
, and :color
writes a binary representation (hence the garbage). print
defaults to show
, @show
calls show
(through repr
Non text/
mimes are difficult to test I guess, but otherwise e.g. sprint
(sprint(show, MIME"text/plain"(), a)
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC