I just tried (unsucessfully) to exit a Julia REPL with ^D
, and the following message appeared:
Library == CNULL. done() called before init(), or done called two times?
Might anybody have an idea what this is about?
Doesn't look like a Julia error message (mainly because of the mention of CNULL)?
Uhm, it seems to be from something like https://gist.github.com/lobingera/8f69839b1caf8968de075272fafdcf27#file-cairotext-jl-L83
Maybe some Julia package you're using has that error message? (but CNULL is a bit confusing as in Julia it's C_NULL)
I see this all the time, because I have UnicodePlots & CairoMakie in my dependency tree: https://github.com/JuliaPlots/UnicodePlots.jl/issues/334
Btw, here's what I see when 20 worker processes exit at the same time :joy:
What I'm wondering is, why are you exiting the REPL with ^D
As opposed to?
Timothy said:
As opposed to?
Why would I press eight keys when I can just press two?
Timothy said:
Why would I press eight keys when I can just press two?
I've never used exit()
in my life
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Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC