In a fresh environment I can no longer install packages I maintain, and it seems that recent changes in Zygote/extensions were made a patch when they should've been breaking?
Could you reproduce the issue in a fresh environment with ]add GeoStats
In this case the precompilation never ends due to some unfinished state in Zygote extensions.
The problem is even worse than I thought. Any package that depends on Zygote.jl is failing to compile:
] add CoordRefSystems
Delete zygote compile cache in compiled/v1.whatever/Zygote
Will give it a try. Wonder what is the cause of the issue though. Probably affecting many end-users out there.
Mosè Giordano said:
Delete zygote compile cache in compiled/v1.whatever/Zygote
The problem remains.
Can confirm on my Julia 1.11.1 on Windows, ] add CoordRefSystems
results in:
┌ Zygote
│ WARNING: Method definition unthunk_tangent(ChainRulesCore.AbstractThunk) in module ZygoteRules at C:\Users\Sundar\.julia\packages\ZygoteRules\KF1B6\src\adjoint.jl:40 overwritten in module Zygote at C:\Users\Sundar\.julia\packages\Zygote\59YyM\src\compiler\chainrules.jl:4.
│ ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
Opened an issue on Zygote. It is not good that compilation failures can propagate to downstream projects like that.
Could CI work avoid similar issues in the future?
This seems to be a bad interaction between Zygote and ZygoteRules, from what I can tell. Adding a CI test where ZygoteRules is added to the environment seems sensible, since it's a closely related package anyway and this interaction between packages is bound to come up a lot (like it has here).
It looks like ZygoteRules does have that integration test in its CI, and it has been failing since the last commit to ZygoteRules 7 hours ago.
Júlio Hoffimann said:
It is not good that compilation failures can propagate to downstream projects like that.
I mean, if you can't precompile a package it's kind of normal you can't precompile other packages which need it
Yes, so the issue is allowing a patch release to propagate with compilation failure?
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC