Stream: helpdesk (published)

Topic: makie updating vline for slider value

view this post on Zulip KronosTheLate (May 11 2021 at 07:23):

Based heavily on the documentation, I have created the following code to interactivly explore some theoretical expressions. Non-relevant funfact is that R_load=R_cell should indicate the peak in load-power:

using GLMakie

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax.title="Current and power-output from a solar cell"

lsgrid = labelslidergrid!(
    ["V cell", "R cell"],
    [0:0.1:10, 0:0.1:10];
    formats = [x -> "$(round(x, digits = 1))$s" for s in ["V", "Ω"]],
    tellwidth = false)
set_close_to!(lsgrid.sliders[1], 5)
set_close_to!(lsgrid.sliders[2], 1)

V_cell = lsgrid.sliders[1].value
R_cell = lsgrid.sliders[2].value

fig[2, 1] = lsgrid.layout

R_load = LinRange(0, 10, 100)

R_tot = @lift $R_cell .+ $R_load
i = @lift $V_cell ./ $R_tot
p_load = @lift $R_load .* $i.^2

lines!(ax, R_load, i, label="Current [A]", color=:red)
lines!(ax, R_load, p_load, label="Load power [P]", color=:black)

axislegend(location=(1, 1))
ylims!(ax, 0, 10)
ax.xlabel="Load resistance [Ω]"

This all works great - the sliders look good, and everything updates in a very satisfying way. The problem occurs when I try and add a simple vertical line indicating the value of one of the sliders. I define it in the exact same way as R_tot, i and p_load:

# Observable{Any} => Observable{Float64}, just in case:
# R_cell_float is then created just like the other values
R_cell_float = @lift $R_cell * 1

And from here, things go downhill. The following two attempts should work as far as I can tell, but throw different errors involving coversion-errors:

julia> vline!(ax, R_cell_float)
ERROR: Cannot convert Axis to series data for plotting

julia> vlines!(ax, [R_cell_float])
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Observable{Vector{Float64}} to an object of type Float32

A two final attempts actually plot the desired line (Wheey!), but they do not at all respond to the slider - it is very static. The two attempts are:

lines!(ax, [R_cell_val, R_cell_val], [1, 9], linestyle=:dash)
vlines!(ax, [R_cell_float.val])

Do anyone know what I am doing wrong, and how one would simply display the current value of one of the sliders as a vertical line?

view this post on Zulip KronosTheLate (May 11 2021 at 10:30):

I figured it out! Even through the examples over at give the values at which one wants lines as vectors, the problem was fixed by passing them directly. So passing the line value as Observable{Float64}, or Observable{Vector{Float64}} both work, whereas Vector{Observable{Float64}}does not.

For completeness, a full working example follows:

using GLMakie

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ylims!(ax, 0.1, 10)
ax.yscale = log

ax.title = "Current and power-output from a solar cell"

lsgrid = labelslidergrid!(
    ["V cell", "R cell"],
    [0:0.1:10, 0:0.1:10];
    formats = [x -> "$(round(x, digits = 1))$s" for s in ["V", "Ω"]],
    tellwidth = false)
set_close_to!(lsgrid.sliders[1], 5)
set_close_to!(lsgrid.sliders[2], 2)

V_cell = lsgrid.sliders[1].value
R_cell = lsgrid.sliders[2].value

fig[2, 1] = lsgrid.layout

R_load = LinRange(0.1, 10, 100)

R_tot = @lift $R_cell .+ $R_load
i = @lift $V_cell ./ $R_tot
p_load = @lift $R_load .* $i.^2

p_load_max = @lift maximum($p_load)
R_cell_float = @lift $R_cell * 1

lines!(ax, R_load, i, label="Current [A]", color=:red)
lines!(ax, R_load, p_load, label="Load power [W]", color=:black)

axislegend(location=(1, 1))
ax.xlabel="Load resistance [Ω]"

vlines!(ax, R_cell_float, linestyle=:dash)
hlines!(ax, p_load_max, linestyle=:dash)


view this post on Zulip KronosTheLate (May 11 2021 at 11:00):

Even through I realize I am just talking to myself in public, I like completeness. So here is the GitHub issue with a proper writeup of the problem as I see it:

Last updated: Nov 22 2024 at 04:41 UTC