Stream created by Sascha Mann.
Sascha Mann renamed stream helpdesk (archived) to helpdesk (published).
Sascha Mann changed the access permissions for this stream from Public to Web-public.
For those who aren't in #zulip-bridged:
Sascha Mann said:
They're enabled now. Only admins can create them or make an existing stream web-public. For now I've only set it for the published helpdesk, which is public already anyway. (Please ping or DM the zulip-admins if you want to publish a stream of your package etc)
If you open in incognito, you can see what it looks like.
Sascha Mann changed the description for this stream.
:warning: All messages in this stream are publicly visible and searchable on
:warning: All messages in this stream are publicly visible and searchable on and (without account)
Last updated: Mar 04 2025 at 04:41 UTC